
It's been a year and five days since my boyfriend and I have been together - along with a beautiful baby girl. I love the days we spend together, I love when he texted me and asked if I needed anything ; I love him so much. But here's the thing, now that he asked me to move in with him like he asked me to, I have no idea what happened between us.. He just doesn't want to be around me and his child - he goes out, stays out all hours of the night coming home drunk, he used to let me check his phone when he tells me and hugged me, all that stuff. Now, he tells me not to do this, not to do that, he doesn't wake up to help me with the baby, I kindly ask him to help me with her or tell him if he can change her, and all he does is tell me "you do it", "I'm busy", "I'm going somewhere" and all that bs.... He's never home anymore... And last night he told me that he had these little bumps above his.... Penis, and asked "could it be aids?". I didn't know what to think after I asked him who or has he been with some body else and he just stood silent and began saying no and all this stuff. I don't know, I mean I never had any problems with trust problems and all, but now he doesn't want to cuddle me anymore, pushes me away, or kiss me, it makes me think....