Feminine Wash

My vagina has always started to smelled a little throughout the day. And I get very self conscious at the gym or just in everyday clothes if I need to be close to someone or I sit down and you catch a whiff. So I started using Summer's <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> or Vagisil. This is what I'm currently using. I just wash in the crevices, around my clit and my crack. I don't stick anything up my holes 😂. When I don't use it, it doesn't smell WORSE than before, just kind of the same. I try not to use it everyday but some days I can't help it.
I also had bacterial vaginosis a couple times, BEFORE I ever started using feminine wash products in which the doctor gave me some pills to take for like a week or so. 
Opinions on this? Should I use this?