

There are days I get frustrated.

There are days I want to give up.

There are days I feel like nothing I do for my girl is good enough.

There are days I doubt every thing I do.

Is she eating enough? Pooping enough? Is her poop an okay color? Did we play enough? Snuggle enough? Did she get enough sleep? Is it too hot in our house or too cold? Do I overstimulate her or did I not do enough? Should I wake her up? Let her sleep? Did she sleep too much? Should I let her sleep here or there or in that position? Should I leave her alone to shower? Or brush my teeth? Is she safe?

I think all mom's go through it. I think we all self-analize & criticize & judge ourselves more than anyone knows, and then, when you hear another mom judge you... well that hurts the most.

In all of our struggles since Georgia was born, I will say this... in all of the sadness & suffering, I have found new faith in human kind.

Thank you to the moms who have no reason to know me, other than our children having similar issues. Thank you for validating my fears. Thank you for letting me call you and vent and blow your phone up with pictures of poop because I'm so paranoid that something is wrong. Thank you for sharing your children's stories... the bad & the good. You seriously inspire me every day and give me hope.

Thank you to the mom's who only know me because I shared my experience online, and you've treated us like family. You are strangers to us, yet you help me make sure my daughter is fed, that she has diapers, and we have money to pay the bills while I'm out of work. Thank you for the comments, the messages, the reassurance that I am a good mother... some days I think we all need that, regardless of the health of our children.

Thank you to the mom's I know personally... some of which I haven't been close to in years. You have encompassed the Internet with every bit of support or assistance possible. You have shared our story & gone out of your way to help.

Thank you to the mom's who are my closest friends. It's inspiring to watch how we each do this mothering thing differently, but all of our children are thriving. Thank you for texting me back at five am when our kids are awake for feedings. Thank you for visiting me when we were stuck in the hospital or the house for days. Thank you for bringing us food and your company when we needed it. Thank you for your advice & reassurance when being a mom seemed impossible. Thank you.

Thank you to my own mothers... thank you to my mother in laws, who have been so strong and supportive. Thank you to my mother, who has come to my house in the middle of the night because I just couldn't do it anymore. Thank you to the women who are like mothers to me... you know who you are & I hope you know how grateful I am.

Thank you.

And on the days I feel like this is so hard... I look at where we have come from. I look at pictures of my baby girl, being swallowed by premie diapers & clothes, to now, where sometimes I can get her clothes over her big belly! I look at her face, with BOTH eyes open. I look at her fat rolls on her legs and I watch her hold her body up or turn to look at things and I think... she couldn't do that before... I must be doing something right...

I am tired, but every morning, when Georgia wakes up, sees my face, and calms down in my arms, I find the energy.

I just can't thank everyone enough, because without all of your support & donations, we wouldn't be here. I am amazed by the kindness we have seen. And I'm so proud to be a part of it.

Georgia turned TEN WEEKS OLD yesterday and I cannot get over it. She's an entirely different baby than she was, and the hospital stay seems more & more like a distant memory. They say it takes a village, and our village has been amazing.

Please keep sharing our story & our GoFundMe. Georgia's medical assistance still hasn't been approved & I am unable to work (unless someone knows of a part-time gig that won't keep me too far from my daughter.) We have bills to pay and we weren't prepared to become a one income household. If you haven't shared our GoFundMe, please take a second to do so.

And keep praying. 🙏 It's working wonders.

#georgiaonmymind #trisomy18 #endmomshaming #specialneedsmom #trisomymom #momprobs