At Home Sperm Testing

Catherine • 30+yo • Please let it be our turn soon 🙏🏼
Hi folks, 
I know many of you are doing AI at home... my wife and I were trying for a couple of months with known donor sperm, after no success of three very carefully timed and planned cycles, we went to a Reproductive Endocrinologist who went on to do testing and a semen analysis for our donor. The results came back and his count was extremely low and my RE said we would have never fallen pregnant with this sperm on our own. We are now going through <a href="">IUI</a>, but I recently came across a device that attaches to your phone and you can test sperm for count and morphology. Honestly, I wish I had come across it sooner so I didn't go through all of that false hope and also it would be nice to know that the baby juice is actually healthy and capable of doing the job. 
It's not that expensive either, I ordered one for our donor as we are trying to increase his count and it was about $50. 
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links - but you can easily find the website if you google "YO sperm test". 
Good luck!