
So I'm 3 months pp and I breastfed til about 2 months.. well every time I look at my boobs now they look saggy to me they don't look attractive to me.. like it's really getting me down. My husband says they look great but he's my husband he's supposed to say that, but my self esteem has gone down so much since I've had my baby. I weigh more, I have stretch marks, my boobs sag, like I need help.. I feel like I lost my sex appeal, I myself do not feel sexy at all, I'm also a FTM, that's why I'm so worried, I'm 19 years old and feel this way.. will my boobs ever go back to how they were? Or am I better off just getting a boob job? It's seriously messing with my self esteem.. 
Before I was pregnant I had my nipples pierced as well and I had to take them out and now I want them again.. which I may go do but my boobs look horrible to me so I'm like not even wanting to do it because what if my boobs still look bad to me..