Teen dating question

So i have a 13 yr old girl. A lil boy came and asked permission to date my daughter and i agreed. Now im a believer that even if we as parents tell them NO they'll end up doing it anyway. I feel that id rather know what they're up to and be around me than them doing things behind my back doing god knows what. I've also gone to the extent to meet his patents and we are all on the same page. So they go to the movies, amusement parks and if he comes over they're allowed to be in the living room and watch tv. The first thing i told my daughter is bedrooms are off limits and if she obeys this ends. Well they've been together 4 months and they see each other maybe 1-2 days a week. My coworkers found out and are judging me telling me im a bad mom cuz shes too young. Do you agree ... Thoughts plz***"

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