starting to worry!

Alright, so I was taking this one pill for about six month and out of nowhere my doctor ordered me a different kind and I recived them a few day late this month in the mail. I haven't been to great at taking them at the same time every day either. Me and my boyfriend do have sex a good bit but we always try and use a condom but sometimes like to start it out with not or taking it off at the close end to get on stomach.... I'm not due for my period for another 5 days or so but I have been feeling really sick to my stomach lately more then usual and some things will set me off and been just started getting a headache today as well. Also a few days ago after sex I started haveing a really bad cramp right after sex and it was very hard for me to stand up straight for a good 30 minutes. And I have been tired but could be from going to bed so late. Also my nipples do feel sore but they feel the same right before a period. I feel like it's just PMS but at the same time kinda worried cause it's to early for a test I think and I have been feeling really nauseous and at times the room feels like it's spinning.