Mc 5 wks

Erica • Married, SHM, 1 child JWH after ttc 3+ yrs multiple mc, due with baby #2 any day
This really frickin sucks! I know that it is just my body doing what it's supposed to do but it is a little unnerving to look in the toliet and see huge clumps of blood and know that some where in the midst of that is our baby. A baby that just hours ago we were choosing names for and dreaming of holding. And now just as fast as it came to be it is gone. And gone with it is all that joy the hope of new life just gone. 
I'm trying so hard to pull myself together. People are going to start thinking I'm crazy after all I only knew that I was pregnant for a week. But after 16 months of Ttc and 4 chemical pregnancies that I lost before I could even get to the doc to confirm, I was so sure that this was the one.