Breastfeeding , MIL, help lol

Nearly 4 weeks pp! Im loving being a mommy, but im feeling very stepped on lately by my boyfriends family. Originally we wanted it to be just us two innhe delivery room and that changed very quickly. Happy we had the support, but after our son arrived at only 36 weeks and the doctor and nurses reccommending much needed skin to skin and a lot of rest i asked that we not have a lot of visitors. I swear they called all there family in town to come. I was learningnto breast feed and people were just strolling in the door. Finally one of he nurses asked me if i wanted them to go and i said yes. I was trying to keep my cool, but it was all to much. I honestly feel like our first moments together were invaded by to many people, so i insist on exclusively breastfeeding. My boyfriends mom didnt breast feed and doesnt understand, she is always telling me to formula feed him or just give him a bottle. In the hospital she told me to just get the epidural and of course sticking to my plan i did what i thought was best and didnt. She is always trying to have a say. Today she text me saying she bought the baby a bottle with a more realistic nipple.she isndriving me nuts about it. I feel like im constantly having to fight her to make decicions already, from circumssion to his first birthday and he isntneven a nmonth old. She asked if im going to throw a birthday party for him and i told her when the tine comes. She then went on and on about how she was going to throw him another party at her house sonhe can have 2 parties ?! No wtf! Am i crazy for feeling bothered? He my child and you only get to be a new mom once . Ive talked to my boyfriend but she still doesnt get it . I feel like ive already given up to much, i allowed her in during his birth, allowed his family at the hospital who have said terribke things about me. I dont know what to do. A shove in the right direction is appriciated.