Terrified I may get pregnant again 😭

Okay we haven't had sex since the week my baby was born in January. Tonight we did and my dang husband finished inside. He didn't have a condom on because it was all spur of the moment. I've been on the pill for around a month (Yaz I think is the type I'm on), but I've been pretty inconsistent about taking it since we weren't planning to do anything bc recovery has been AWFUL (I think I missed 2 days from the month?). I know the only 100% is no sex... but what would be the chances I could get pregnant already again? Im so afraid. My body rejected pregnancy so badly that I had to go into the hospital days after my baby was born to be stopped from having a stroke (made it JUST in time)- I don't want this! I honestly would have been fine never having sex again because pregnancy was so terrifying and almost deadly for me. I couldn't have my tubes tied though because I'm in my mid 20s.
What can I do? Is "Plan B" like having an abortion? I'm so afraid 🙁
I have no one to talk to about this so please don't be too mean.