missing my husband

I'm a FTM and have a 5 week old daughter. I don't know if this is me being selfish but I miss my husband a lot. I miss how we spend a lot of time together before and how intimate we used to be. Now, with the baby, we are like partners taking care of our daughter. During the day when he is here all day he shares the load with me with the usual few hours of video games. Sure we share the same bed at night but with the baby in between us. During the day, I constantly have to hold her because she will cry if put down. I have a friend who's son is a week older than my baby and she says her and her bf are intimate all the time. Kind of makes me jealous. Also my husband is going to school so it's not like he has paternity leave. I guess I just miss him greatly and wish we can be closer than we are now.