6 week sleep regression...HELP!!

So my LO acquired quite a few issues in the past week. She is having really bad reflux symptoms which I believe are from my oversupply and fast letdown which I am trying to get under control by cutting out pumping and am now block feeding. I'm not sure if she is not sleeping due to that or a growth spurt or maybe a combination of both. Before this she would basically sleep at least 2-3 hours with some 4 hour stretches at night. She would go down really easily. Now she is up from anywhere from 3-6 hours straight with no naps during the day and extremely fussy. I've tried all the tricks to get her to sleep and nothing is working. At night she is up every 1-2 hours and last night stayed up for 1-2 hours in between. She looks and acts absolutely exhausted but won't sleep. She did gain 11 oz in 5 days which is insane for her because she usually gains about an oz a day. Wouldn't that mean the growth spurt is over if she's already gained all that weight??? Has anyone else gone through something like this and is there an end in sight??