dog and baby

Samantha • Leila Jade's mommy 👶🏼💘
My dog was my baby before I had my first child, now my daughter is 4 months old and on the floor allll the time I'm getting so grossed out by my dog. She always has dog hair in her mouth or on her teethers and toys and I put a blanket down before putting her on the carpet and I vacuum often. My house is small and the dog has a crate and stuff but when he's out he itches 24/7 and it's gross. I love my dog still I just obviously love my daughter more, I've thought about getting rid of him but I honestly just feel to bad and I don't know what to do anymore. We give him lots of baths for dry skin and flea meds and everything. I'm at a loss. 
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I was all about my dogs before having a baby and same now obviously I love my baby more but i still wouldn't get rid of my dogs. There's hair everywhere and she's all up in his face licking and playing with him but he loves it so oh well. I just pick hair off 24-7 lol. 


Valerie • Apr 2, 2017


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Dog hair: baby's first condiment 


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I feel the same way. My dog was actually my childhood dog & I literally dressed her in baby clothes & pushed her around in a stroller. Now that I'm married & live with my husband, she still lives with my parents because she's old & we didn't want to move her from the home she's been in all her life. As soon as my son was born (5 months ago) I was disgusted by her. When we visited my parents I wouldn't even pet her because I didn't want her fur anywhere on me & she loves to lick so she would lick the car seat or try to lay on his blankets. I would scream at her or swat her away. My family was shocked! She was clearly jealous & feeling neglected & began peeing in the house every time I came over with the baby!! (she's been pottytrained for like 15 years). I realized how much of a toll it must be taking on her & felt really bad. So I now always try to greet her & pet her & talk to her in my baby voice like I used to. Ever since I started giving her attention, she doesn't lick the car seat or even seem to notice the baby, she just does her own thing. A few weeks ago, my son started really taking an interest in her & I called her over & let him pet her (my family was once again VERY shocked!) my son loved it & now loves to watch her when she's around. But it did take my 4.5 months to get to that point. So I wouldn't get rid of your dog. I think you would really regret it if you did. Just give it some time. 


Posted at
I couldn't imagine getting rid of my dog! We got him while knowing we eventually wanted children. We took on the responsibility and it's not fair for our dog to suffer and lose his home because of a decision we made. My dog is always licking my baby which I've been told helps build baby's immune system. Sometimes I see dog hair on baby or near his mouth and I just wipe it away. It won't harm him. They are so sweet together and I'm so happy my son will have a puppy brother to grow up with 


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This is my life. I think it's just part of owning a dog. The hair won't hurt baby at all. I just pull it off of baby and keep going on throughout the day. It would be sad to get rid of your dog just because he sheds.


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Same. I love my dogs but one of mine drags her butt on the floor all the time, and they stay outside a lot so when they come in they're dirty and it gets all over the floor and couch. Ugh obvi I love my dogs it's just annoying. Lol 


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That's sad.  I personally think getting rid of him isn't the thing to do.  He was your bsby and you made a commitment to him.  I'd keep trying.  


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I've found using furmintator shampoo/conditioner helps a ton and I got a Dyson cordless that I use daily on the main part of the house. That Haas solved our issue. No more fur on toys, burp cloths etc.


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Yes! I had so much more patience for my beautiful mongrels before. But I know that when baby is a bit older I'm going to love watching them all play together. 


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I have 3 dogs and can definitely relate. Ever since the baby has come they have drove me nuts with the hair, barking and just being crazy. But I could never get rid of them as much as they drive me nuts.