How To Fix The Relationship??? *long*

I do apologize for this post being long but i would appreciate any advice!
I have been dating my current boyfriend for 6-7 months now. He is the same age as me, but he is currently in college while i am a senior in high school. We were friends for about 2 years before we dated. 
In February, I became close to a classmate of mine. I only have 2 friends aside from my SO, and they've been my friends for years so making a new friend was excited. We clicked instantly, and I found myself being attracted to him. 
Unsure about what to do, I found myself being more interested in my friend than my boyfriend, but I knew my feelings for my SO were still very much real. Never having dealt with a situation like this before, I thought that because i had a crush on someone else it meant I shouldn't be with my SO. I was reluctant to speak to anyone about it, so I tried to make the best decision, and I made the wrong one. 
I chose lust over love and I broke up with my SO, being completely honest with him how i felt. I didn't want a relationship with my new friend, i just felt that having "feelings" for someone else was a red flag, because i've never had a crush on someone else before while in a relationship. 
From the moment i ended things, i knew i had made a mistake. I was reluctant to voice this to my SO, due to the fact that i had hurt him badly before taking more time to figure out my feelings. I never pursued anything with the boy i had a crush on, in fact i even cut things off. I told my SO how i felt, that I had made a mistake and we got back together
Things have been okay, his family despises me though. The thing is is now he says things feel different, which is understandable. He says he wants to try and work on our relationship and it's been a few weeks we've been trying, and he says that it doesn't have to do with trust, but that when we are together it doesn't feel like we're dating. What steps can i take to attempt to rekindle our relationship? It took me a mistake and hurting the person i care about most to figure out that i love him, care for him very much, and would like to see if we have a future together and i see and take responsibility of my faults, but I don't know how to start fresh and move on from this with him.