I see a lot of posts talking about people who shame moms for (usually, electively) formula feeding. I don't believe that it is right to shame a mother for her choice in feeding her child formula OR breastmilk because at the end of the day, it's what works for each that matters. 
But, what I see a lot less are posts about women being shamed for breastfeeding. Some women (and men) call it weird, even incestuous. Some women are told that they're disgusting / attention-seekers for feeding their child in public- which formula mom's never ever get shit for. Some are told that being proud of their accomplishment to EBF for as long as they did despite how hard it was on them is inherently rude to those who formula fed for whatever reason. Breastfeeding moms are called rude for sharing information about breastmilk and its benefits. Breastfeeding moms also get shit for the phrase "breast is best" and encouraging other moms to at least TRY BFing if they can. 
So, I think while actively shaming women for formula feeding their babies for ANY reason is wrong, I think as a whole, we should stop acting like formula moms are the ONLY ONES getting backlash for their choice. Moms get shamed for just about everything they do, no matter what side they're on or category they fit into.