Pregnancy do's and don't's

One of my friends is pregnant and I swear the list of things she can't do when she's pregnant is made up.  Other than the obvious, don't drink, smoke or do drugs.  Is there anything you guys have been told is an absolute no?  Or that absolutely should be done?  She's telling me (and she was lucky to get pregnant first try, not someone who has been trying so long she's extra paranoid) that she must drink minimally 80oz of water a day and that she can't eat any red meat or lift anything.   It seems like so long as you don't have a belly to be dropping things on carrying something isn't going to hurt you?  Am I way off here?  She doesn't know I'm pregnant yet and her list is driving me batty!  Partly because I'm wondering if I'm doing everything wrong and partly because I feel as though she's being melodramatic!