My period isn't supposed to come for another 9-10 days, my last period came 2 days late. I'm on cycle day 21 and i don't get my period till cycle day 31-32. i don't have the regular symptoms that i have with Af like cramping pulling sensation 2 days prior before i spot and then period. I just had leg pains here and there and back pain. Well i'm spotting this & it's only on the toilet paper when i wipe but not on my undies. the earliest my periods ever been is cycle day 27. I've been ttc for 2 years and this has never happened. Also, i had a tight feeling yesterday on my left side that traveled up to under my ribs kind of. I've also been feeling a bit dizzy. Not sure what could be going on and would like your all's advice. I also have a cyst on my left ovary so don't know if that helps anything. Thanks in advance!