Being ignored sucks 😩

There's this guy that I really like and I got his number so all through last week we were talking and it was great! I feel as if him and I had a really strong connection and the convo was never dry, he even told me that he liked me, that I was pretty and that he wanted to take me out… but then he started ignoring me. I've texted him asking why he's been airing me but no reply and on snapchat (sorry to people who find it annoying when people talk about their social media problems… sos) I see that he's been looking at every single one of my stories and so I 'ACCIDENTALLY' sent something to the wrong person and he looked but still no reply, no 'that's cool' or even a simple 'ok'. 
Normally I wouldn't mind but I really like him and as soon as things started getting good this happens… what else can I do??