Just need some advice.


My fiance and I have a 6 month old daughter, he had told me before I had our daughter that he didn't mind me staying home with her for the first year because I want to catch all of her moments. That all shortly changed after I had her. Maybe a month after I had her I started getting the whole "well you don't have a job" and dropping lil hints to me all the time about him working and I'm not. I thought you know he has a really good job and makes plenty for all 3 of us but it just seems to be to hard for him to man up and work to support his family... I've been hearing about it ever since. We get in fights over it all the time because it's getting to the point to where I just snap everytime he says something about it. He's lazy... he calls in all the time and comes home early because he "has a cold" knowing I don't have a job but still does it anyway. And then complains about not having the money for bills when his cheak comes.. I just don't get it. We talked about me staying home with her the whole 9 months I was pregnant... as soon as I had her maybe 2 weeks later he got laid off for 4 months, and did nothing but sit on the couch and slob crap everywhere and play video games... burns me alive... not counting that the whole time he was laid off my mom paid all of our bills, and I mean all of them. I'm super super thankful for her and don't know what we wouldve done without her.. But this man didn't tell her thank you once.. never acknowledged her for it... what do you guys think? I need some advice because idk what to do anymore...

Thank you!!