Birth Story!! Very Late! But here it is! Warning!! Very very Long!


So, it all started Dec. 16th at one of my regular appts.. My urine test had a lot of protein in it. As you probably all know protein in your urine means your kidneys aren't functioning correctly and could be a sign of preeclampsia. My blood pressure had been borderline high during my entire pregnancy. My doctor ordered me to do a 24 hr. urine test in which I was to collect all my urine for 24 hrs. That was friday I completed the test sunday and brought it in on monday Dec. 19th.

I turned in the test and went in to get my bp checked and give a urine sample. My urine came back with a lot of protein in it again! And my bp had sky rocketed! I didn't have any of the common symptoms of high blood pressure so I couldn't even tell.

The nurse went to consult with my doctor and came back with scary news. My doctor had ordered me to go to the hospital immediately! She wanted me and the baby to be monitored and I was most likely going to be induced to deliver as it is the only way to get rid of preeclampsia.

I wanted to cry! I was so scared for my baby! The nurse helped me calm down and reassured me with that Thursday I would be 37 weeks exactly and my baby would be considered full term. She would be okay!

After I calmed down and the nurse was confident I could drive back home I left. I let my husband know he had to come home so that we could go to the hospital. While I waited for him I packed our bags (which I should have had ready by then).

As soon as he got home we headed for the hospital. They were already waiting for me. From the lobby they escorted me to triage where I was going to start being monitored. My bp stayed around the same except for one reading where it was super super high the machine started beeping and the nurse came in to check on me. She told me that if I had another reading like that they would have to induce me right away. That scared me!

They kept on monitoring me and the baby. There I was officially diagnosed with preeclampsia. They were just waiting to see how my bp kept acting. I knew for sure I was staying there until I delivered my baby. They just wanted to see if I would have to be induced immediately or if I could hold out until thursday when I would be 37 weeks.

Everything was under control and I finally got a room where I would be staying until I delivered. They decided I was able to wait until thursday. Family came to vist. The baby and I were being monitored and everything was going great.

Fast fowading to thursday, I was prepared to be induced and knew I would be transfered to labor and delivery at any time. All day they kept telling me that L&D was completely full. Since we were doing fine they were giving priority to those women who were coming in ready to have their babies.

I was fine with waiting, b/c that meant my baby was going to have more time in my belly. Close to 8 pm I got the news that I was being transfered to L&D! I got super excited & scared all at the same time! We got all our things ready and 15 mins. later I was being transfered to L&D.

After I arrived I forget the times of everything so sorry about that!

I had been 1cm since my last appt. They told me that they were going to start me off with the balloons (I forgot what they are called) so that it would be a less of a shock to my body and could allow me to start laboring on my own. I could dialate up to 5cm with those. That was an easy process and I was contracting. They felt like mild period cramps. My husband and I were watching tv like nothing was happening haha.

I dialated to the 5cm mark and the balloons came out with just a light tug. Then, they told me they were going to start me on pitocin to get stronger and closer contractions. They got stronger, closer, and longer. I could feel when they were starting up and how they reached their peak and then slowly the pain came down.

After a few hours. They checked me again and I was at 6cm. They gave me the option to break my water to speed things up. I said yes and they broke my water, which didn't hurt at all. I asked them if it would be a good time to get an epidural and they said it was all up to me. They were very supportive and reassured me with any decision. I decided to get it b/c I couldn't talk through the contractions anymore and I knew I had a long way to go!

They lady who was going to give me my epidural was there in no time and I was so ready! My nurse kept reassuring me telling me that I had done an amazing job and I would be able to relax after the epidural. My husband wanted to watch the needle go in. He was watching the lady set up and watching while I was being numbed. My nurse told him to come hold my hands instead as that was the point where they have lost many dads hahaha not necessarily as many as in the actual delivery.

I felt a few stings while getting the epidural but that was it. By the time the anesthesiologist was out the door my legs were getting very heavy and numb. It worked very quickly and I was glad b/c after that the monitor was going crazy with contractions!

My nurse and husband would help me in switching my positions so that I could keep progressing. It got to the point where whenever they turned me on my side the epidural wore off on the opposite side and I was feeling an extreme amount of pain! They had to turn my pitocin off as I was laboring on my own now. They kept working with me so that I wouldn't be in pain.

Then, the most scary part of my labor. Everythime I had a contraction my baby's heartbeat would drop. That scared me so much! My nurse told me that the cord must be getting squished somewhere. They kept switching my positions to see if that would help my baby.

When on my side I still kept feeling a lot of pain and pressure. I was so scared and worried! Then they kept losing my baby's heart rate! Oh I lost it! I started crying! I got the shakes and was very cold! I had to have an oxygen mask and they told me to close my eyes and not look at the monitor so that I could calm down.

My husband was also very scared and worried. He didn't want to lose us! He kept me calm and played with my hair and told me how everything was going to be okay!

I just could not bear the pain on my side anymore and the nurse called the doctor so she could check how far along I had dialted. The doctor came in and when she was about to check me she said, "oh she's here I can see her hair!" I was like, "what!? She has hair?!" My husband of course went and looked hahaha

The time had finally came! I was about to see my baby girl!! I was so excited!!! It was close to 12 am on Dec. 24th when they started setting up. They told me they were going to teach me how to push and do some practice pushes b/c it can be hard to feel with the epidural. On my 1st practice push her head crowned! My doctor hurried to put on her scrubs! She didn't know if to put them on or catch my baby b/c she was coming!!! 2 more pushes of 10 seconds each and my baby girl was out! My husband of course was holding one of my legs and watching everything haha he cut her umbilical cord! Her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and body! She was perfectly healthy and soo beautiful!!!

My baby girl: CELESTE


December 24th 2016

12:06 am

6lbs. 4 oz.

19.5 in

Funny thing! My amazing nurse who helped me soo much!! Her middle name was also Celeste!!