What's the best formula.


Hello beautiful mommies! 

My baby will be 6 months in about 20 days. So far he was exclusively breastfed and although some days were a struggle, we seem to have handled it quiet well. 

We plan on starting solids and maybe a bottle (or two) of formula each day. What are your thoughts? So far we do five feeds each day and two dream feeds a night. We average about 28 ounces each day. Is that a good number? So I was thinking three feeds will be breastmilk and two feeds towards the night can be formula. This way we can increase his milk intake. Using formula will also give me a little freedom when we have to go out because so far i was expressing milk to take it along with us everytime we went out. 

Do you think adding formula is a good idea? If it is, do you recommend a brand? I just want him to get the best nutrition. 

I'm a FTM and feel so lost and overwhelmed at times. I could really use your help here. 
