BUMP! Has someone had a similar experience?

Alright ladies I know this might seem silly to some but I do need guidance. I still am experiencing all the symtoms during my tww. I had implantation bleeding on Wednesday and Thursday. AF was originally due Saturday but when I woke up Friday it seemed that she came early. Although I didnt experience any cramps, it was dark red, not my usual bright red. And as I went throughout the day I only ended up filling 2 tampons. I normally have a extremely heavy first day and have to change every hour. Yesterday it started to slow down and when I went to do my first change it wasnt full and i noticed brown blood. Woke up today and the tampon I put in last night only had a spot of brown blood and I haven't put one back in. Had a few spots that were similar to my implantation bleeding but nothing got on my underwear and it has completely stopped all bleeding. Should I call my doctor or test? Or just start counting the days to my fertile window? I have never experienced a period like this in my life and it certainly didnt feel like a period at all. Not only that but my boobs always go back to normal once my period comes and theyre still sore and huge along with my other symtoms.