is wrong if I want to take a pregnancy test without telling my husband?

I took a test on my own and didn't tell him and it was negative. However I'm suppose to get my period today( is usually like clock work every 30 days. Today is actually 31) and it hasn't started. So I'll give it a few more days  and test alone unless he mentions it. 
I appreciate all the support and feedback! I don't have many girlfriends where I live so this was extremely helpful. I enjoyed reading all the creative ways those who had BFP broke the news😊. 
We're in this weird limbo of trying to conceive but not. Like if it happens that's great and if it doesn't that's fine. This is the first cycle that there's a chance I could be pregnant (my period is due April 3-4). I've been having a lot of symptoms probably PMS but some of them are out of the norm for me. So now I'm curious to see if my period shows up. But kinda anxious and want to take a pregnancy test (too soon?). But I don't want to tell my husband that I'm taking a test. In fact I'd like to do it when he's not home. I guess I want to process the result either way on my own first but am I keeping him from having the full experience. Is it selfish of me to test without him and break the news later?