food stamp rant

I am so sick of people assuming just because you have food stamps that you're abusing the system, or you're lazy. ALMOST EVERYONE I KNOW WHO RECIEVE THEM WORKS! Unfortunately college isn't affordable or doable for everyone, so those people do what that have to do which is WORK A MINIMUM WAGE JOB. Minimum wage isn't enough to provide shelter, a way to work, and food especially if you have a family. I use to get so pissed off when working MY MINIMUM WAGE JOB I would check out people who used a stamp card, and the people in line behind them would shit talk them as soon as they left. 
"Look at her outfit, you know she doesn't need that card."
"Did you see how many kids they have? They pop them out just to get our hard earned money!"
"I saw him pull up in an 07 vehicle, why does he have food stamps?"
Not to mention the judgmental looks they would be giving. Jesus Christ you can't look at someone and know their situation. You shouldn't shame someone for needing help. Gosh.
Sorry, I just had a woman on my Facebook make a huge post about people who recieve SNAP and I had to vent.