a traumatic birth but so worth it

Our second baby was born Tuesday. It was All a bit traumatic and quick! I went in on the Monday with reduced movements, and was told I needed to come in for a scan and check up the next day. So went for the scan and had an hour of them checking the heart rate and movements. It was decided by 5pm that I would have a sweep then be induced straight away due to lack of movement. I had sweep and was 2cm and started getting regular ish contractions. I was checked at 6.30pm and was 3cm so they broke my waters. Babys heart rate dropped but picked up again. I went down to labour ward. The contractions didn't get regular until 10.15pm where I decided gas and air as pain relief. They checked how dilated I was at 10.30pm-5cm but babys hand was in the way and on top of the head! I had to do some pushing to move it but her heart rate started playing up. They then realised babys cord had come down first. Lots of doctors rushed in and I was was whisked off to theatre with a midwife pushing Baby back inside me with her hand. I was instantly put to sleep and had a beautiful baby girl, Roxanna weighing 2.7kg- 6lb by 10.49pm. My poor husband wasn't allowed to see us until I was brought back up at 1am. Was very scary but things could have turned out so differently!