a few hiccups...

My fiancé and I haven't had sex since I got pregnant in November. At first we were nervous to have sex in the first trimester, but then we found out it was a blighted ovum. So we weren't having sex because I wanted to wait until it came out. I ended up needing to have a d&e (2/17/2017) and was instructed not to have sex for 2 weeks and then to avoid pregnancy for at least 1 cycle. BUT THEN I FREAKING GOT APPENDICITIS on 3/17/2017!! And I got my period while in the hospital and it was awful to deal with. But now I can't have sex because of surgery again. Can you freaking believe this?! My fiancé has been beyond understanding and so supportive. I couldn't ask for a better partner. He's just amazing. He gets frustrated because I'm rarely in the mood to please him, but I can't blame him for that. We decided on my 31st birthday that we'd start TTC. I'll be 32 on 4/25/2017. I just want to try again!!