Any other Dec baby mamas ready to fast forward to oh end of May.

Tiffany • C 2001, K 2003, M 2005, M 2016, L 2017.
I just wish I could fast forward. Then I could check a heart beat at work and have piece of mind. I think that's the only problem with knowing so early. My heart is still in my throat with every cramp and decrease in nausea. I miscarried in November at 6 weeks and I had ZERO symptoms then. So as much as I HATE being nauseated it is almost welcomed. So here I sit sipping my gingerale and trying to stay relaxed. Even my kids have noticed I am over the top grumpy and on edge. I need to curb it back and relax. I am a damn nurse for God's sake. I don't do well with being a patient.