My fast labor and delivery story


on Early Monday morning I woke up to really bad cramps thinking I have constapation so I go use​ the bathroom wipe from the back thinking it's just hemroid then I wipe from the front and there it was a very light pink color I just knew I had lost my mucus plug so I start getting contractions and would time them every 10 mins go to the Dr and I was still not dilated more then a 2 but I was in the super early stages of labor I go back home take a nap wake up and my contractions gotten alot worse and would be 5 minutes apart I go for a walk to help dilate more I then get my bags ready and head to the hospital witch was about 45 mins away from where we live. I was sent into an admission room they checked me and told me I was still a 2 but I thinned out more so they kept me and waited for a few hours I was still a 2 then they gave me an iv and stadol to help speed up the labor, in a few hours I dilated to a 3 and a half I was finally in labor! I was sent into labor and delivery. my contractions got so bad I had to take an epidural I felt so much better after I did. then got pitocin to help kick start the labor in just a few hours I fully dilated!! my boyfriend and his mom had went to chick fill a to eat and​ I was ready to push I said no!! they are not going to miss the birth of my baby lol so here they come just in time and I started to push after 10-15 times I had her :).

My beautiful babygirl emileen nawal weighed 6 pounds and 5.6 oz and was 20 inches long