James is our perfect son's name

James is our perfect son's name. He was healthy and strong through the whole process. My fluid levels were too low to stay pregnant so we started induction Thursday night. I would not dilate after the doses of the induction pill, a dose of cervidil, and petocin! So cesarean section was needed after 2 days. I got the epidural during petocin labor so it wasn't too bad but ALL was worth it! He came out with healthy lungs and the nurses said "this one is EXTRA CHEESY!" HAHAHAHHAHA! Love our story because it's ours. He is a miracle baby. Glow has been awesome in alerting me to certain things at first and am so thankful to have helpful apps in my time. James was born on April fools day at a healthy 6lbs 2 oz and 19 inches long! Thank you for letting me share. I'll tell it over and over again if asked :-)