TMI advice and opinions wanted.

Elizabeth • 26 Years old. Married to the love of my life ❤ 2 year old little boy and HOPEFULLY a second baby on the way! 🤞🤞🙏
So lately my husband and i who are trying to get pregnant have had sex either everyday or every other day for the passed two weeks now and i am starting to connect that when he ejaculates inside me, that either the next morning it a few hours after (4 hours after, because im currently stuck in the bathroom 😔) i get horrible diarrhea. 
Ive googled this and read that its normal, and sometimes its happens because of a hormone in seamen that our body naturally produces during our period which is why period diarrhea is a thing... im just curious to see who else has this problem or had, and do i just live with it? Or do i consult a doctor. Because ive read mixed things about it on a ton of different sites. Thank you in advance!