Need advice baby is waking up every hour 😩

So just little one often has nights where he wakes up about every hour. I often think it's a growth spurt or something along those lines ..., even temporary but it's happen more and more days and I'm worried there's something im doing that is facilitating it and possibly making this a long term habit. So anyway the first hour after I put him down he ALWAYS  wakes up. This doesn't bother me because I'm always up doing things anyway lol but after that it varies . He sunk usually sleep 2-4 hours and then it goes to every hour. I noticed he would just want the boob because he would suck a few times and then fall asleep. I try to wake him up but he just goes back to sleep. Also, I stared to pump and have a bottle ready thinking he will sleep a longer stretch if he eats a full mean vs a little from the breast. That seems to have helped a bit and he sleeps about 2 hours. But anyway I rather rurse him obviously because then I would have to pump al night or enough to get me through the night. 😑 there's no way this can be " Normal" 😞 I have read they don't learn to self soothe until about 4 months and to not worry about sleep training yet because they are too young... but this feels like it will be a daily thing . What could be going on? I assume he just wants to be with me. He sleeps in a rock n play due to colic. I have read colic can wake babies often ... but seems strange that it would cause this throughout the night 🤔. He's 2 months 3 weeks old right now. As for bed time I start to try to put him down by 8 am. He fights it at times and will fall asleep between 830-1030 . I sing to him and change his diaper and put him in his pjs before bed. ( not that he knows that alresdy). Lol but anyways anyone else experience this? What could be going on? When he wakes up  I nurse him and he sucks a few times and falls asleep. Is this a bad idea on my part ? Should I just rock him back to sleep instead?Â