Boyfriend troubles...

So my family doesn't like my boyfriend. We are currently longish distance (1 hour away). We became long distance a few months ago. Since I live with one of my siblings she doesn't want him at the house so I go visit him on the weekends. I don't have a car mind you so it's hard. I go to school full time and work 2 days a week when I don't have school. He gets upset when we can't hangout more because he can't come to the house so it's a long drive to get me and then drive an hour back. My family gets mad when I hangout with him. I try to as much as I can but he gets so frustrated because we can't hangout much. I told him it will take time for my family to like him again and until then he has to be patient. I get lectures from them a lot and then he gives me a hard time too. If I'm with my family I don't talk to him on the phone because they get mad. I have tried telling my family off and then they make me like a bad person for standing up for myself. I just don't know what to do anymore.. Am I a bad girlfriend? Any advice would help...