Nervous to tell our families post m/c

This is my first pregnancy post miscarriage in December. First baby. I'm about 8 weeks now (due 11/14) and already saw the heartbeat a week ago.
My December miscarriage was either a chemical pregnancy or a VERY early miscarriage as nothing but the sac was visible on ultrasound, so I'm already lightyears ahead of last time which is definitely good. HcG levels looked good as well. 
We are going to visit our families (out of state) next weekend, and so we made an adorable announcement video. However, I'm nervous to tell our families as I'm still nervous that it won't stick. My next appointment is not until a week from Tuesday, so a couple days AFTER we see about 9 weeks. My husband is excited to tell our families, and this is our only chance to announce in person for a while. I wish I could be excited at the same level, but I'm just too nervous. Thinking of trying to push my appointment up to this Friday just to make sure before we tell everyone, but I doubt they can fit me in. 
Just needed to vent mostly since my hubby, while great, doesn't quite get the anxiety I am feeling. Mostly I'm sad that my miscarriage robbed me of the joy and excitement of my first pregnancy. 😠