Baby Autumn was born at 4:01pm on March 30th by C section

Baby Autumn was born at 4:01pm on March 30th by C section. I was 37 weeks and 4 days. Went in for an ultra sound on Wednesday and they noticed my amniotic fluid levels were out of control and she was measuring around 9 lbs. We went straight to delivery that night to be induced. The term I think is polyhydramnios ? My doctor wanted to try for a natural birth so I was given cervidil to soften my cervix since I was still closed up tight. I started getting pretty bad contractions and back pain but after 12 hours hadn't  dilated anymore. They gave me another dose of cervidil and waited about 3 more hours. After no change, my doctor recommended a c section. She said the amount of complications that could arise from
the excess fluid weren't worth the risk. Some of those being prolapsed cord or shoulder distotia. They booked me for a C section and I went in about 2 hours later. It was scary, and I puked during the procedure because of the tugging sensation. I couldn't feel pain but I could feel them putting my uterus back which was pretty alarming! As soon as she came out along with a "tidal wave" of amniotic fluid as my doctor said, they showed her to me and then dad took her out to meet my family while they stitched me up. As soon as I got to recovery we had our "golden hour" and every minute of pain throughout my pregnancy or delivery was worth it. I've never been so in love and it still blows my mind that I created a life. It's everything I thought it would be and more. She is everything to me. I am so so blessed and even got to meet her two weeks early. It's been a rough recovery this is day 4 in the hospital but I've never been happier in my life.