This Navy Wife Needs her pictures tweaked

I need someone to tweak at the least the first response test. I've been getting what looks like a very faint line on the for almost 3 days and absolutely no sign of Af when usually she is almost tearing my body up for at least 1-1.5 weeks before I'm actually due. I'm trying to figure out if I'm pregnant obviously , but my husband and I have been trying to conceive. Although I'm not sure it's considered trying because he is in Florida for the Navy and I get to see him 1 times month . This last time though was before and during my ovulation week (I was there for 10 days). I just would like to stop being excited if I'm not pregnant. We both want this so bad and I'm afraid we just can't do it yet, simply because we did not have enough sex? But during the time I was out there we did it everyday... haha we might be deprived!anyway if someone could please help me that would be amazing . My husband find out his next command in a month so trying to get everything situated and prepared and would love to tell him we are expecting. Thanks in adamvamce everyone! Hooyah!
By the way these pictures are the same test!