sleeping troubles

We pushed our clocks forward 1 hour a week ago in the UK and we've having a nightmare ever since. My son started with a sickness bug last Monday, which continued until Thursday. Today is the first day he seems his normal self. The problem is I can't get him to sleep. He's always been so good until now. I can't get him to nap for more than 40 minutes and he will only drop off in my arms or in the car. Night time had gone completely pear shaped. Bath time is fine, story is fine and then he screams to go back downstairs and even turns the tv on when we go downstairs.
Last night I was so fed up of not even having 5 minutes to myself I put him in the car in his pj's and went for a drive to get him to sleep.
I'm normally so calm and laid back but he's really testing me this last week. I know he can't help being poorly but the lack of sleep routine is killing me. I hope it's down to the clock change.
He also keeps biting me. My shoulders are covered in red marks where he gets me. Any advice?