Pregnancy Nerves

Last week I found out I am pregnant, 7 weeks today. 
Side note: I was on a girls trip in Mexico for a week. I felt super naseous one day and my best friend made me take a pregnancy test. Test ended up being broken and we just laughed it off. The day I returned to work I took a test for the heck of it, not expecting anything, and it was positive... all 5 of them and the ultrasound confirmed (perks of being a sonographer)!
The dilemma I am facing is my boyfriend, of 7 years, feels it would be irresponsible of us to keep it. We are not in the worst of situations- we both have good jobs. The down side is we do not live together and cannot afford to rent right now. 
My emotions are I am fearful I will not be able to get pregnant again. I have been told since I was 14 (now 27) that I have a 50/50 chance of conceiving naturally as I've always had "female issues" growing up. 
He feels since this was not intentional that when we try it will be possible. 
I do not disagree with his mindset and understand he is scared but I am afraid I will not forgive myself or look at him the same if I chose to abort. He is in full support of my decision but I do not want him to be angry with himself, as he already is. 
We both feel if we had our own place we would be ecstatic. Our New Years goal for this year was to save for a down payment and purchase by the beginning of next year. It's a tough decision as we are both planners and we'll... this wasn't planned. I respect his opinion as he said his plan for us was to marry me, live together, travel together, then have children. I know he wants to do things the "right" way but I don't know if I can live with such a decision.