I found out I have PCOS in January of this year


I found out I have PCOS in January of this year. I had been TTC since November and wasn't getting a period since I had gotten off my birth control. Once I found out, my doctor put me on 1500 mgs of metformin because my testosterone levels were pretty high. We did that for a month and still no period. So she gave me provera to jump start my period, and femara to make me ovulate. My period finally started on march 1st which was 14 days after my last provera pill. My gyno also told me to use opk strips to pinpoint ovulation. So I did that but struggled so bad because I never got a surge! Everyday was just the same almost positive reading. So me and hubby tried to BD every other day but we're both teachers and am always tired when getting home. It was especially hard because we decided to cover a two week time span to hopefully be sure we covered the fertile window. I took a pregnancy test Tuesday and it was so negative. I was upset the whole day and cried so much feeling so defeated. I called my gyno office and spoke to the nurse about the opk problem. I also hoped they would up my femara dosage because they just had me at 2.5. She said they didn't go any higher and that the next step would be to see a specialist. After that convo I felt even worse! No one to understand or to help me. Well march 31st (last Friday) I got my very first BFP on the 6 days sooner first response. I am in total shock of it all! I never thought this would happen. God is so so good. I prayed and prayed for this baby, and he saw to it for me and my husband to be parents. So thankful for all the ladies at Glow. They were my rock through this whole thing!