helping baby sit up??

Shannon • Mommy to the most perfect and handsome little boy, Grayson Alexander💙 11.10.2016
What are some ways that you are helping your babies to learn to sit up on their own?? And is it helping?? My son hate being propped up to sit by himself! Like if I put him in the bumbo he is fine or if he's in my lap but as soon as I try to sit him up on the ground by himself he stiffens up! He is going to be 5 months on the 10th!
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I just sit on the floor with him 


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We do a few episodes of propped sitting each day. I sit him up and make his hands a tripod and let him sit up ( with my hands nearby to prevent faceplants when he gets tired). He's slowly getting stronger-just like we did with tummy time. He hates it at first but is getting better with it.


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I put my LO in between my legs with some toys and kind of create a barrier. This picture is recent so I've been giving him more space, but in the beginning I made sure that he was more supported. He also loves it when I prop him in the Boppy and put a pillow in front so he can't fall forward. I think that you could create a similar effect using 4 pillows if you don't have a Boppy. I do it on my bed so I can fold laundry, but it would work on the floor, too.


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I just sit him in between my legs and try to keep him engaged with a toy or music in front of him. He doesn't complain about it much but it makes me nervous to keep him sitting *more like hunching* down like that for too long though. I feel like his back hurt and it gets hard for him to breathe cause he's so bent forward. We have the bumbo and the fisher price sit me up chair--we alternate between all three options to practice sitting up