AF returned again๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜“

So this month didn't work with clomid,. Kinda feeling like a failure once again,.. Wondering what I did in life to get to this,.. Not being able to conceive is really hard on me,. Expecly when it's just me and my husband and my mom of course know what I've been going through these past years and months....I'm a private person,. So I haven't shared my news on seeing a fertility doc, to none of my brothers, or cousins or any1..they all have there own families,. Babies,....n I'm the only one in my family that has no kids I'm going to be 33 this year,..I feel hope-less and just want to give up,... I try so hard n still no baby...every1 always asks me wen you going to have a baby,..I lie n say we're good just us two... But it's not the truth I want a baby so bad,. I just don't want any1 to make fun of me or put me down because I can't make babies,. I guess I feel ashamed and embarrassed of my broken body,...I don't ever get to say how I feel tell I got this app. So thank all you lady's for letting me vent,..