12 wks and still VERY nauseous. Anyone else!?

Since week 6, I have been the most miserable person ever. I thought that once 12 weeks hit, it would get better. Well it hasn't. I'm 12+2 and the last few days have been the worst. I feel like I'm reaching the end of my rope. Emotionally I'm just completely drained, physically, (obviously, still have an aversion to all foods and liquids), I can't drink water without gagging. I'm still on meds (diclectin) but I dot want to increase my dose cuz I already get horrible side effects from it (palpitations). 
I'm back at work and completely exhausted and drained. I had a total meltdown/panic attack on Sunday...like sobbing for 5 hours cuz I had vomited 4 times. 
I'm just done. I need some emotional support. Anyone else still feeling like crAp? I'm sick of crying myself to sleep every night. I want to feel NORMAL again...whatever that feels like. I don't even remember anymore.