baby measuring big - what did your doctor say?

I have seen a lot of posts lately about babies measuring on the big side. My fundal height is 4 weeks ahead (35 weeks measuring 39 weeks), and according to my last ultrasound at 32 weeks, he was in the 78th percentile at approximately 4 pounds 9 ounces. I do not have gestational diabetes, so I must just grow big babies? Anyway. I have my next/final scan st 36 weeks and a day this upcoming Thursday, and we will get a better idea of his size and what is causing the fundal height to be this far ahead.   If you are in a similar boat as me, what did your doctor say? Mine said that he doesn't bring up a c-section unless the baby will be over 11 pounds... which I can't imagine he will be, but I'm terrified. He said that the fundal height could be due to other factors like extra fluid too, but we also know he will be a larger baby. Let me know what your doctors say about it!  I am horrified by the idea of a c-section, and I really don't want one!