Lack of friends



Has anyone been through the same situation and any advice on meeting new friends would be great.

I've had a couple of friends for the last 10 years but since one had a baby and the other moved in with her boyfriend I've hardly seen them. I am single and they seem to like to do alot of couple dates now.

For my birthday I invited them out for drinks and they invited their boyfriends along when I wanted it to be girls night.

I feel like our lives are heading in different directions they've always been obsessed about meeting someone whereas I am happy single if I meet someone great but if not it's not the end of the world. I also work alot as it's just me to support myself so I rarely have weekends off.

The only other people I socialise with is my work colleagues who are great but it doesn't feel the same as being with friends.

I feel so lonely sometimes and spend most of my time alone or with my parents.