SCH at 17 weeks - gush of blood

Friday night I woke up to use the bathroom and upon standing I had a gush of blood. My husband called 911 and I was rushed to the hospital via ambulance. The doctor used the term "inevitable miscarriage" because upon using a spectrum and just looking at my cervix, he was thinking I was already dilated to a 2 and that there was nothing that could be done to stop it. He then sent me on to have an ultrasound and he did a further cervical exam, this time just using his fingers (he said he was surprised to find that my cervix had some "girth" to it still when he got behind it and that I was dilated to a 1 which was only a percentage or two out of a range for a 17 week pregnancy). He also had labs drawn to check my HCG and Hemoglobin and said they were within normal ratios. He said he was more pleased after doing further tests and said he was a little more hopeful. The baby was growing right on track but we don't know where the blood is coming from. I had a subchorionic hematoma early on in pregnancy (was detected at 8 weeks) but from earlier ultrasounds the doctor said it looked like it absorbed itself. Now they aren't so sure. The doctor gave me a 50/50 chance of carrying the baby to term. I'm on bedrest now, praying I can make it 7 weeks so the baby would have a fighting chance if things took a turn for the worse. They said a pregnancy isn't viable prior to 24 weeks. So much happened in such a short time and I'm beyond terrified not knowing what else I can do or if the baby will even make it.