Frustrated! Vent.

My husband and I tried for almost 2 years to conceive our 2nd child and we finally got a positive on Christmas Day! I was unbelievably happy! We found out I was due July 29th. Then on January 9th I miscarried. At almost 12 weeks. I was devastated. I had wanted it for so long, got it, and then it was gone. I still haven't gotten my period and have taken a test once a week for the past 3 weeks. All negative. What's going on with my body?! I had some brown spotting on February 9th and the next day it was gone. Had some cramping yesterday and still nothing. Everyone keeps saying "you'll get pregnant really fast after this" and I'm just sitting here like when is that actually gonna happen?! It feels like everyone around me is finding out that they are pregnant and I am so jealous. I thought I was done with the struggle of conception. Apparently not.