What Do I Do Now?

I was told with BH to lay down and drink water and they will go away on their own. Well I was kept up all night just relaxing having BH. This morning I got up and started moving around and they went away. I went to the 36 week class and came home. My SO has today off and knowing I was up all night he offered to take care of our 5 year old so I could take a nap. I ate in bed watching Netflix and now I've been laying here for over an hour and a half having BH again. I think I lost more of my mucus plug cuz there was a lot of "slime" when I went to the bathroom earlier but it wasn't as thick as the other pieces were. Just really slimy and sticky. It doesn't make sense to me that I didn't feel any BH while I was up and moving around but last night and now while relaxing I'm being kept awake by them... Can anyone explain this? And also did I lose more of my mucus plug or does it sound like normal discharge? I'm only questioning that cuz there was a lot. Had to wipe twice to get it all.