Feeling alone

On Friday is the day I believe I had a miscarriage. I am 17 and honestly have been ttc, please keep judgmental comments to yourself as you are not in my situation and dont know the standards I live in and just to set a little bit of those standards, I am financially emotionally stable and comfortable. I am ready for a baby, but after missing 5 days of my period, and nipples darkening, and strange cravings such as pickles with hot sauce or pickle juice in hot Cheetos , bloating, and mood swings , we were sure I was pregnant, I figured to test after I was supposed to get my period for better hcg levels, and before I did that, Friday I woke up in pain, one continuous cramp across my stomach, and in one hour I went through an over the night 10 hr pad, and 2 tampons (super) by the time 3rd period came (which is choir ) we were going to practice for an upcoming competition.. And I couldn't even stand nor walk anymore, I sat on the risers in tears crying in pain. I have never felt that. I went home and slept the pain off as much as I could, after being so tired all the time it was easy to sleep. Saturday came and the "period" that I thought I was having had a light flow, then Sunday came and it was almost non exsistant a few drops here and there... I told my fiance about it and he has been with a woman who had a miscarriage before.. A few actually... And he said it sounds like I had a miscarriage and he cried because we were sure we would be raising our child together soon... Both heartbroken we have each other and I know he is all I need to get through this but I can't help but feel alone... Sorry this is so long