Negative pregnancy test

So, I'm in need of some advise.

A little bit of back story: two years ago (almost 3 now) my then boyfriend, now husband, got me pregnant. A week after finding out I miscarried. I never got a positive result, even my doctor thought I wasn't pregnant but did a blood test which came back positive. So now my husband and I have decided to try for children as we are in a good place in our lives. Now I'm late, which I never am and that's how I found out last time. But I took a test this morning and it came back negative. Has any one had this happen? It seems strange that I possibly could be but can't get a positive result at home. My doctor told me if I don't get a positive result at home then I shouldn't come in, kinda rude but I get it as I do work in health care. Like I know my body but I don't want to be wrong. Idk I feel lost