Epilepsy & Sex

So, me and my hubby are normally have a high sex drive. Extremely high. We are sexually active 4-5 days out of the week sometimes multiple times a day. But lately his medication that he is taking for his epilepsy has been taking a toll on his sex drive. Like 2 weeks without it 😬😩 which is a LONG time for me atleast. Don't get me wrong I'm super understanding. But dealing with someone who is epileptic at first had me uneasy. Simply because I was scared he would have a seizure and I wouldn't know what to do. So I made it my business to learn all I could about epilepsy and spoke to a specialist and now things are back to normal but I had to learn about the side effects of the medication and of his condition so I can know how to handle it. But if your dealing with someone who's medication is taking a toll on your sex life how do you handle it???