pissed tf off!!

So, my 9 month old is extremely attached to me, I'm also with her everyday & I put her to sleep every night. Well tonight my husband tried to put her to sleep & she started crying and getting really upset & he sat her in her seat & said "well sit there & through your fit". I feel like a 9 month old doesn't know any better. So I said "don't you dare treat her like that just because you don't wanna hear her cry, she's doing that cause she wants me" then I get her out of her seat & he says well y'all both can sleep on the couch! How the hell am I gonna sleep on the couch 23 weeks pregnant with a 9 month old??! I'm mostly pissed off that he sat my baby down in her chair and said "sit there & through your fit" I feel like a 9 month old doesn't know any better besides she wants her mommy!